Richmond Barracks

FoodCloud Kitchen at Richmond Barracks

FoodCloud Kitchen at Richmond Barracks

We are delighted to welcome the FoodCloud Kitchen team to Richmond Barracks each Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.

The FoodCloud Kitchen showcases how surplus food can be effectively used for social good: their menus are created using ingredients that would otherwise have been wasted.

Their commitment to minimising food waste is reflected in their regularly updated menu, which changes weekly based on the availability of fresh, surplus ingredients from their suppliers.

Whether you're a vegan, vegetarian, or an omnivore, something delightful awaits, all served with a generous side of social impact. All profits generated from The FoodCloud Kitchen are reinvested in FoodCloud's core activities, and surplus food is redistributed to over 700 community and voluntary organisations across the country.

An example of the weekly FoodCloud Kitchen menu
An example of the weekly FoodCloud Kitchen menu

So whether you are working from home, enjoying the gardens, attending a workshop or visiting Inchicore library, you can enjoy a sustainably prepared meal or McCabe’s organic coffee and a bun, knowing you’re helping the planet too.

About FoodCloud 

FoodCloud is a not-for-profit social enterprise (Charity of the Year 2022) working to tackle the twin issues of food waste and food security by redistributing surplus food from the food industry to a network of charity and community partners.

To date, FoodCloud has supported the redistribution of over 278 million meals to its community partners. That's 116,808 tonnes of perfectly-good surplus food redistributed to over 7,000 charities internationally.

Posted 24 March 2023
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